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02. Against this payment & verification of all information provided by me, a certificate will be issued by K.S.MUSIC SECURITIES.
03. This certificate that will be issued will allow me/us to stock and transfer by me/us for sale to the end use having no further commercial use. This certificate is not valid for any bulk transfer for taking further monetary benefit or for any wholesale trade.
04. I/we shall not rent out/or permit K.S.MUSIC SECURITIES, titles on any media for paying on/at cable television, video parlors. any road transportation, hotel & restaurants, ships, airports, air flights or any other commercial public display/viewing for any purpose other than home viewing . “Only for permit on mobile & DJ etc. shop.”
05.This certificate will immediately stand cancelled and I/we shall be liable for prosecution under the Copyright Act, 1957. I/we am/are found guilty of any of the following. a) Renting out K.S.MUSIC SECURITIES titles to entitle/individuals for purpose a mentioned in (3) above. b) Buying/Selling/renting pirated copies of titles, of which K.S.MUSIC SECURITIES is lawful copyright owner/licences.
06. This certificate is valid only for my/our above mentioned single mobile shop/cyber café/photo shop aid is not valid for any its branches/Sister concern/associates of the mobile shop/cyber café/photo shop & videographer or any other commercial organization owned by me/us. This certificate is also not valid for transferring /recording any of our content for any of its further commercial use.
07. This certificate is not valid for organized downloading/organized chain kiosk operations, corporate downloading/transferring/renting/ selling or prerecording or pre-burning or any storage device like memory cards, flash memory sticks, mobile phones or any the storage media which I/we are tranding in bulk to retailer for its further sale. This certificate is to valid for organized renting, corporate renting of VCD/DVD or renting through internet, online and offline corporate renting etc.
08.I/we have accepted the above undertakings, terms, conditions and warnings and in case of violation of any of the above undertakings, terms conditions and warning. I/we am/are liable for punishment under the provision of the copyrights Act, 1957 and also under Penal Code a sectioned from time to time.
09. This certificate is valid for titles held by M/s. K.S.MUSIC SECURITIES only either as an owner or as a licensee. This certificate is not valid for any content of which M/s K.S.MUSIC SECURITIES is not lawful owner or licensee.
10.This contract and its terms shall be deemed accepted upon realization of the licence fees.
11.The parties agree that the licence granted herein shall be subjected to exclusive jurisdiction of the JAIPUR (RAJ.)
12.This licence is issued under the provision of the Indian Copyright Act,1957 and a line of upto 5 Lakh and imprisonment upto 3 years.
13. K.S.MUSIC SECURITIES is hereby declare the agency appointed by K.S.MUSIC SECURITIES & various copyright owners specifically to act on their behalf with respect to the protection and enforcement of intellectual property and Mobile Downloading for mobile shop version thereof for India.
14. K.S.MUSIC SECURITIES as a Agents and their Sub Agents are authorized to Accept/Sign. Licence Form on behalf of the company. I accept the above Terms & Conditions.